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Batavia Mulch

1210 Lyon Rd, Batavia, IL 60510 PH: (630) 406-0667



Batavia Mulch has been a mulch distributor in the Fox Valley for the last 20 years. Operating out of the same location as their sister company Midwest Sealcoat, Batavia Mulch has been focused on helping families and businesses create artistic landscapes to bring their visions to life.



Delivery of Decorative Mulches

Batavia Mulch has been delivering Mulch to the Fox Valley for two decades, with free local delivery for orders over 4 yards. Batavia Mulch has a variety of trucks that can carry materials ranging up to 20 yards at a time. With multiple weekly deliveries to our yard, we stay stocked all season so as soon as you are ready to start your outdoor projects, so are we. Give us a call to schedule your delivery today!

Installation of Decorative Mulches

Keeping your beds fresh and covered, not only makes them look nice, but helps prevent penetration of weed seeds into the beds and prevents water evaporation around your roots. Let our crews professionally install your mulch today to keep your yard healthy and looking nice!


Premium Dark Hardwood

Premium Dark Hardwood

Shredded Bark Mulch

Shredded Bark Mulch

Triple Processed Hardwood Fines

Triple Processed Hardwood Fines

Screened Mushroom Compost

Screened Mushroom Compost

CA6 Stone

CA6 Stone

3/4 Chip Stone

3/4 Chip Stone

3" Stone

3" Stone

Batavia Mulch delivers and installs a wide variety of different landscaping products. Our yard is open Monday through Friday from 8-5, for you to stop by and take a look in person at the products we offer. The pictures above are some of the products we offer. Listed from left to right;


  • Premium Dark Hardwood - Our most common decorative mulch, this is a hard wood mulch composed of 3"x1", 1"x1", and fine particles. This mulch is for more established beds, and is a coffee brown in color.

  • Shredded Bark Mulch - This is a softer mulch that will retain more moisture and is rich in nutrients, it is most commonly utilized for newer beds.

  • Triple Processed Hardwood Fines - Hardwood fines are a triple ground mulch, dark brown in color, and is a screened material so that it consists of smaller particle sizes, typically 1" x 1" and fines.

  • Screened Mushroom Compost - Mushroom Compost is utilized as a slow release fertilizer to add to soil to help retain water.

  • CA6 Compacting Stone - CA6 is utilized in a number of different applications, for gravel driveways or paths, or to create the top subsurface for asphalt or concrete, this is made up of different sized particles perfectly designed for compaction. 

  • CA7 Chip Stone - CA7 is a versatile aggregate, similar to CA6 but without fines which allows for water to pass through it, making this stone ideal for drainage.

  • 3" Stone - Used for sub base, the large angular rock locks together to form a solid base while allowing for water to pass through, while it keeps its structure. This will typically be used underneath CA6 when installing on soft soil conditions. 


How to calculate your Decorative Mulch needs:

  • 1 Cubic Yard covers 100 sq.ft. at 3" deep

  • 1 Cubic Yard covers 150 sq.ft. at 2" deep 





To schedule your installation or delivery, give us a call our office at (630) 406-0667, and speak with someone today! 

Main Office

1210 Lyon Rd

Batavia, IL 60510


Office: (630) 406-0667

Get a quote: 630-406-0667

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© 2018 Batavia Mulch & © 2018 Midwest Sealcoat

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